£197.00 GBP

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases


This Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into between YOUR NAME on behalf of Ella Attrill aka The Property Coach ("Coach") and yourself reading the ("Client") (together referred to as the "Parties") on the date of acceptance of this Agreement. 


Coach agrees to provide the following services to the Client: 

- Access to The BRRR Wealth Builder

- Access to Coach in Q&A forums within the training platform

- Other services as may be agreed upon by the Parties from time to time including complimentary access to additional bonuses and masterclasses. 


The term of this Agreement shall begin upon acceptance of this Agreement by the Client to pay in full. All sales are final, and must be paid in full, unless agreed specifically by the coach. 

Upon a pay in installments option the Client shall pay a non-refundable annual fee for access to the services provided under this Agreement. All sales are final and refunds will not be granted, once the client has received access to the program. its community and/or its content. 


If under a payment plan option, Client is late with their payment a written warning will be sent first to Client to let them settle in a 7 day working period. 

If Client is late a second time there will be a service fee of 12.5% added on to their late fee that they are legally bound to pay. 

If Client is late a third time there will be a service fee of 20% added on to their late fee that they are legally bound to pay and they will be permanently removed from the membership by all rights of the Coach. 


The Parties agree to keep all coaching and related materials, discussions, working lessons, copies of documentation and communications strictly confidential. The Client agrees not to disclose any information regarding the coaching or related materials or discussions to any third party without the prior written consent of the Coach. The Client is in full knowledge that downloads of recordings are not allowed under any circumstance and to hold copy of Coach’s material without her consent is legal offence. The Client agrees to not hold, keep or share any coaching material that they access through their experience of Ella The Property Coach and going forwards into their future. The Client agrees to not repurpose any of Coach’s material: intellectual property, audition strategy, lesson frameworks, warm ups, pdf works, quotes mentioned in their own name or through any other and to do so would be breaking this legal contract and legal action would be taken. 


Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time upon a 14 day written notice to the other party. The Client shall remain liable for any  Fees due if terminating over 14 days post purchase.



The Client acknowledges that the services provided under this Agreement are for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended to replace professional advice or treatment. The Coach makes no guarantee as to specific drama school results that may be achieved through the services provided under this Agreement. Client understands that Ella - The Property Coach does not guarantee specific results and previous successes of previous clients are solely individual with said contributing factors aiding this including; client's wellbeing, client's individual effort, client's determination, client's skill and client's previous experiences of auditions. 


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom. Any dispute arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts of the United Kingdom. 


This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. 

The Client will tick the box below in FULL agreement to this which legally binds the Client and Coach to this Agreement. 


Get 14 days of 1:1 support for just

Hands-on advice & support while you make your way through the program.

The only way to get 1:1 support with me is through 1:1 coaching which is a 6 figure investment so this is an absolute steal!! 🥳

You'll have me at the other end of an instant messaging app to ask questions, get eyes on your offers/numbers and hype you up when you're feeling overwhelmed!


BRRR Wealth Builder

The ultimate self-led program for women who want to build their property empire using the Buy, Refurbish, Refinance, Rent strategy. 

What you'll get:

BRRR Self-Led Program

The ultimate self-led program for women who want to create and maximise a property portfolio, using the BRRR strategy to create true financial freedom!

What's Included:
  • Instant & lifetime access to the Buy, Refurbish, Refinance, Rent Wealth builder course using my signature 4 step system - Mindset, Market, Money, Maximise!
  • All the tools you need - Deal calculators, tech, contacts, letter templates, marketing brochures templates to get you results!


Here are the modules!



  1. Your 'why' - A deep dive into why pursuing this journey is important to you.
  2. Environment - Your environment is as important as your mindset, we cover ways to clear space to allow BIG moves to happen!
  3. Money Mindset The deep mindset work that needs to happen in order to redefine your boundaries and reprogram you for success.
  4. Confidence and finding your voice - Building industry confidence to pave the way for abundant relationships.
  5. BRRR Principles - Why this strategy is the key to building long term generational wealth.
  6. Success Mindset Reading - Set yourself up for success with this reading guide!

    BONUS: Mindset workbook - To get super clear on your financial goals, things you need to forgive, space you need to create and identify what environment is going to make you thrive!!


  1. Nailing your Property Niche - Buy to lets, HMO's, Short term rentals/SA's, Social housing? A breakdown of each to find out which exit strategy is best for you!
  2. Analysing demand - How to check demands across all the strategies! Bonus spreadsheets and guides to help you dig deep into your market research.
  3. Set up & legislation - The low down on the regulations and compliance you need to be aware of.
  4.  Finding BRRR Deals - HOW and WHERE to find amazing BRRR deals, real life case studies on some projects I have done to showcase how the value was added to allow the refinance and return of all of the initial capital invested!

    BONUS: Due diligence checklists to make sure you have factored everything in before making an offer on a property!


  1. Buy Right - The Golden Rule to making money in BRRR deals is buying right - this sessions shows you how to do that!
  2. Negotiation - How to become a master at negotiating everything in property to MAXIMISE your bottom line!
  3. Build costs - How to calculate your build costs, get builders on side to view and price projects with you! 
  4. Stacking the deals - How to use the multiple exit BRRR calculator to stack your investment deals - Bonus BRRR excel calculator included!
  5. Funding - Find out the options available to you to SCALE your property business using the various ways we can LEVERAGE to maximise growth AND returns!
  6. Raising Finance - How to raise investor finance to fund your property deals, how to make it a no brainer to invest with you, and where you can find them! 

    BONUS 1: Non-Disclosure Agreement Template - Keep your deals YOUR DEALS by getting investors to sign this NDA.
    BONUS 2: Loan agreement template - 
    Use this template agreement that I use for fixed term loans with my investors - WORTH £999


  1. Marketing & Branding - The ways in which we can create a brand image and market ourselves which is aligned with our business and set up to attract what we want more of in our property businesses.
  2. Project Pipeline - How to keep your pipeline going to keep increasing your income streams and growing your portfolio.
  3. Setting up your SA unit - Insider knowledge Masterclass on how to set up your SA unit - implementing systems and processes for more time freedom.
  4. Systemisation - Creating true passive income is an art - Get the lowdown on how to set your business up to run without you!
  5. Business Plan - A goal without a plan is just a dream!

    Use this business plan template to map out exactly where you want to be over the next 12 months and the steps you personally need to take to get there.


Bonus Resources

  • Letter Templates
  • Contacts and useful links list
  • Access to business and property E-Books
  • Meditations and affirmation recordings - including soul retrieval, inner resilience and visualisation techniques
  • VA job description to outsource your property business 
  • Serviced accommodation messaging templates
  • SA Cleaning checklists

All purchases are non-refundable.