Wealth Building with Property

Everything you need to know about how to build generational wealth, with the Buy, Refurbish, Refinance, Rent property empire building strategy!

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I'm Ella Attrill


After launching my own business, which was solely reliant on me working IN the business, for it to be successful, I realised that I had essentially created another job.

I was craving financial and time freedom so that I could spend more time with my family, but I hadn't yet cracked the code on how to create passive income. 

That was, until I learned the number one strategy to growing a property empire, that creates true generational wealth, and then how to stack those investments to fully maximise your earning potential - without leaving any money IN

This enabled me to create a diverse recession-proof 7 figure property portfolio and relocate my family to a dream luxury house in Mallorca! 

Now I support other women to nail their investment strategies, grow their empires with confidence, and fully maximise their portfolios so that they can create true time and financial freedom!

"I am achieving things I never thought I'd have time to achieve and with Ella in my corner I feel safe and determined to chase my dreams like never before. Thank you Ella you have truly changed my life"

- Roxanna Webb

"Every question has purpose, every session has a reinforcing challenge, she’s knowledgeable and brings everything back to being financially sound."

- Lisa Souter

"I use to be SO uncomfortable making phone calls. Now I can make them without a second thought I’ve loved working with Ella. Genuinely given me so much confidence and belief that I can make this work"

- Sammy Rowland

Wealth Building with Property Masterclass

Find out how to create and maximise a property portfolio, using the BRRR strategy to create true financial freedom!